Discover the joy of classical music through
Informative and stimulating, our concerts enable audiences to experience music as intended by their living composers who introduce their compositions.
Offered as part of the educational outreach concerts, masterclasses provide opportunities for solo or chamber music performers to receive live comments and suggestions.
Live Discussions & Interviews
Offered live or virtually, live discussions and interviews with the musicians and living composers provide for audiences a glimpse into the music creation process.
All virtual programs are free to educators.

Designed with the student in mind, Sonora Winds provides informative and stimulating performances of new music to school aged children (grades 6 through 12). Sonora Winds works closely with teachers to fit concerts into lesson plans, supporting student learning by bringing the curriculum to life.

Intended specifically for college audiences, Sonora Winds has designed a performance and educational program to help students understand the experience of running a chamber ensemble. Topics include individual and group performance preparation, grant writing, ensemble management, etc.